Sustainable Development Goals n°17: Revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development

January 1, 2019

BNP Paribas is fully committed to engage itself in meaningful partnerships in favour of sustainable development at a global scale, bringing to the table its network and expertise.

According to the United Nations, most Sustainable Development Goals needs to be achieved by 2030, and will cost between $5 trillion to $7 trillion. All the more reason to work on solid, inclusive and integrated partnerships between all stakeholders.

In 2017 BNP Paribas in Switzerland and the Solar Impulse Foundation created by Bertrand Piccard signed an innovative partnership. The Bank contributes to the identification of 1’000 concrete and profitable solutions to preserve the environment in preparation of the COP 25. The final objective of this initiative being to encourage companies, municipalities but also governments to adopt them as part of their energy policies. The following video sums up everything you need to know about this inspiring partnership!