Swiss Insights, the strategic analysis blog – BNP Paribas in Switzerland
BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA is launching swissinsights.bnpparibas.com, the strategic analysis blog from the Group in Switzerland. This public platform will strengthen the bank’s online presence and is supported by its Twitter account @BNPParibas_CH. Starting in June 2013, experts from the different divisions of BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA will use this blog to share their comments on the economic environment. Their remarks will be published each week according to current events. The aim of the blog is to facilitate the understanding of macroeconomic analyses from the bank’s analysts. Each post will react to or underline an important economic situation, explaining what is at stake and the problems involved from the angle of the respective comment and viewpoint. Swiss Insights reflects the Group’s desire to be at the forefront of innovation and the use of social media. Every posts published on Swiss Insights will be relayed by social media to enable them to be shared with the greatest possible number of people. The platform does not publish investment recommendations or advice on the products and services of BNP Paribas in Switzerland. Other digital tools The Swiss Insights blog from BNP Paribas in Switzerland is supported by other instruments used by the bank to ensure an online presence:
- A Twitter account: @BNPParibas_CH, launched last March.
- A LinkedIn page: BNP Paribas Switzerland.
- The Internet site of BNP Paribas in Switzerland: www.bnpparibas.ch.
- The Internet site of BNP Paribas Wealth Management in Switzerland: www.wealthmanagement.bnpparibas.ch.